About me
Maaike Pekelharing
I have my masters degree in child development at the University of Amsterdam. After working for the ministry of Justice I continued my carreer at the Dutch hotline against child sexual abuse. I have worked there for more than 10 years. Besides my work as an analist I coordinated the Helpwanted.nl helpline. This helpline aims to support children who have become a victim of online sexual abuse such as shame sexting and sextortion. Due to this, I have a lot of knowledge on prevention and combatting child sexual abuse. I educate, train and advice people about online and offline sexual child abuse. Being a huge fan of sports I also aim for a safe sports environment for children.. Therefore I work for for KNVB, NOC*NSF and Gehanidcaptensport Nederland. For more information about my prjects in sports, please visit the website www.veiligersporten.nl (Safer Sports).

What I have to offer
I am availble as a trainer, educator, spokes person or for advice about preventing and combatting sexual abuse of children. Contact me for more information.

Online sexual abuse (sexting, grooming, sextortion)
Sexual abuse in sports
Normal sexual behaviour of children
Prevention policy
"She is professional, her knowledge is massive, she covered so many different aspects of the theme, she definitely met the expectations of my clients who were enthusiastic."
Gessica Lucci / Independent event manager
I am currently working in sport. I am a confidential contact person and case manager at the KNVB and KNSB. I also provide training on transgressive behaviour for NOC*NSF and work as an external advisor on social safety in sport for the municipality of Amsterdam.
In the past, I worked for Stichting NOV and gave guest lectures at the ROC. I am also open to assignments outside sport. Please contact me for more information.